Thursday, December 11, 2008

Don't believe everything you hear about how to put backspin on a ball. A recent TV show illustrated this with father and son teams playing in the same foursome. The pros shots hit the green and stopped on a dime, while the non pros shots hit generally the same area and kept on rolling forward to the back of the green or onto the back fringe. The reason is simple. Pros replace their irons whenever the grooves get worn, while others cannot afford to do that. So quit telling me that a properly struck chip shot is going to check up, it is not going to happen unless you have new irons and also are playing on pro quality green conditions. Most chips by non pros are not going to check up, they will just skid and keep running. On full shots, pros can hit a severly bunkered green and back the ball up to wherever the pin is. The rest of us may hit the green with a similar looking shot, but then we will be chipping from the back fringe instead of putting. Unless you are rich enough to frequently replace your irons, this is not a level playing field.