Friday, November 07, 2003

Another Season Comes To A Close
Where did the summer go? How did time slip by so fast? The cold air is already slipping down from Canada. The fall colors have gone. We can never be sure when the weather will dictate that our next round of golf might be our last of the year. Come on, Indian Summer, thank goodness for global warming. There are so many leaves fallen to the ground that it is hard to find your ball in the middle of the fairway (but most of us are not used to being in that position anyway). In a few days, the season will be only a memory of some remarkable shots, like the awesome majesty of a moon-shot popup drive, the graceful curve of a banana-peel slice, the feeling of helplessness as the ball heads toward the water hazard, the perfect symmetry of ever-growing circles that the ripples create, the impressive rooster tail from the morning dew being ripped apart by a sizzling worm-burner, some “almost-good” rounds, and plenty of laughs with good friends. There is no better therapy for life’s daily stresses. Hurry, 2004.

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Do you have a comprehensive program to eliminate a hook ?---All my shots go from right to left, I find it impossible to even fade the ball, if I try to, I pull hook it.

Hello Doug,
Rather than presenting a complicated program for this, since I have never seen you swing, here are two simple things to try. First, weaken your grip. Notice that your thumb and first finger form a V, which in your case should point toward your chin, both hands. Secondly, most people who tend to pull their shots are not aware of their swing path. If you are a right handed player, and your target is at 12 o'clock, you may think you are swinging at the target, but your body is also turning as you swing, so by the time your club gets to the ball, your swing path is actually going at 11 o'clock. to compensate for this, try to extend your follow-thru toward 1 o'clock, and your body turn will probably bring the swing path closer to 12 o'clock at impact. Let me know if this helped.

Monday, November 03, 2003

Thank you for the opportunity to ask questions. I have developed a consistent pull hook with all my clubs. This tells me I have developed the habit of coming over the top at the start of the downswing. Do you have any drills I can use over the winter to ingrain the correct starting movement from the top? Thanks again!

Hello Bill,
Here is a drill that might help. Begin at the top of your backswing and hold that pose. Begin the downswing by starting your lower body weight shift first, but don't finish the swing, just stop your swing when your elbows pass in front of your hips. Is the club shaft on the same plane as your front arm? Are your elbows too far apart? Have your wrists begun to snap too soon? Repeat this until you get these 3 checks right. Then finish the swing inside-out. In other words (for right handers) if your target line is 12 o'clock, extend your follow-thru towards 1 o'clock.