Saturday, May 28, 2005

Joe, how do you know when you are going to be in a slump?

Answer: There are lots of signs, for example, when you go fishing and your first cast misses the lake; or when you lose a ball on the first tee in the ball washer; or when your rice krispies are silent; or when you have car trouble on the only day when you forgot to bring your cell phone; or when you are broke and in a hurry and your ATM is out of cash but doesn’t tell you until you have already navigated thru 15 screens.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Hi John,
For those of us blessed with the gift of sight, it is hard to imagine doing anything blind, or deaf, or without one of your limbs. However, anyone who is in love with life has made up their mind that they are going to enjoy life any way that they can. Imagine yourself suffering an accident and losing your sight. You would have a choice of sitting around feeling sorry for yourself, or instead finding friends who are willing to help you maintain your love for golf by taking you to a practice green and lining you up for a putt. Imagine feeling the thrill of tapping the putt and hearing it fall into the hole. Those of us who have good sight should try closing our eyes and feeling this, not only is it pretty cool, but it also helps you concentrate on trusting a proper stroke without looking up too soon. It is said that whenever a person loses one of their senses, all the other senses compensate by becoming more keen. Then imagine you (as a blind person) are taken to a practice range where you can execute a swing without visual distractions, and feel the thrill of hitting the ball right on the sweet spot. Your friends give you feedback on the results of your shots. Then you can go onto a course and your friends can guide you the same way. If you can contact the ball cleanly every time, and your friends can make all your distance and alignment decisions for you, then it is possible that you could get no worse than a bogey on each hole, and therefore shooting in the 80’s is within the realm of possibility.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Thanks a lot for your reply. I never thought I would ever get online free golf tips. My Names are Johnson Omolo I work and live in Kampala Uganda. I HAVE BIG TROUBLE WITH MY GOLF SWING. Most of the time on my down ward swing to hit the ball the club face is closed. We have no good golf teacher in Uganda. The guy teaching golf was a 4 handicapper who turned pro. I cant tee off with a wood.Johnson

Hello Johnson,
You are not the only one who has trouble with the golf swing, everyone else does also. It is a never ending struggle, so enjoy every small success. In order to help you, we would have to view your swing, but we don’t mind making a few suggestions. The easiest method to solve general problems is to view the Body Golf videos. For more specific problems, like your closed club face, make sure you are using the correct grip, and control your wrist action down the target line, because those who roll their wrists too much usually end up with wild shots. Why do you say you cannot tee off with a wood? What is the result? Maybe that particular wood does not fit your swing? Let us know more details.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Why are the impact and address positions so different in swing sequences? It doesn't look like they return to address. The hips are open, the spine angle is more, the head is further behind the ball, the hands are forward. It is completely different to address. Why do people say you have to return to address at impact, when impact is so obviously different. The other thing is, if you drop your right shoulder, your spine now has a bend in it halfway up your back. If you make a turn from here your head must lift up.-- Doug Kercher

Hello Doug,
You are correct in saying the positions are obviously different. I do not believe it is reasonable for the impact position to look exactly like the address position because at address nothing is moving, while at impact your weight is actively shifting from your back leg to your front leg and your hips are in the midst of turning. Different people have different ways of explaining things, so interpretations will also be different, especially cause and effect. I do not believe dropping your shoulder is a cause, it is an effect from the way you start the downswing. Instead, I prefer the cause to be getting your back elbow in front of your hip, which will accomplish the same thing without lifting your head up.