Saturday, December 28, 2002

Golf - Is there only one right way to chip?
Advice comes from those who have had success with a given method. Different people have had success with different methods, so you may hear or read some conflicting advice. No method will work unless you have your hands ahead of the clubhead at impact. If you can do that, then the main issue becomes distance control.

There are 3 chipping methods, find the one that works best for you.

Method 1 - use the same stroke and tempo, knees to ankles, for all distances, just change the club to adjust for longer or shorter shots. The only limitation is to be sure the shot can carry over the taller grass and land the ball on the green.

Method 2 - use only 2 clubs to chip (one for minimum loft, one for maximum loft) depending on the amount of loft needed to clear the taller grass. Use the same backswing, but vary the tempo depending on the distance desired.

Method 3 - use only 2 clubs to chip depending on the amount of loft needed. Vary the length of the backswing for distance control, and keep the same tempo.