Saturday, December 02, 2006

Joe, quit griping about the rules. People who do not follow all the rules must be lacking in integrity.

Answer to Mr. Integrity: If you have so much integrity, the next time you drive one mile per hour over the speed limit, go to the nearest police station and report your violation and insist on paying your fine, or else you are a hypocrite. Of course you think that would be silly because there was no harm in such a minor violation. Now do you get my point? If a minor violation has nothing to do with the skill of the game, it is an insult to sportsmanship to spoil anyone’s round by calling a penalty for any petty instance that had nothing to do with gaining an unfair advantage.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Sometimes I hit shots too fat and sometimes too thin. Any suggestions on improving this?

Hello Marty,
There are a few things that can cause this. First is allowing your front elbow to bend too much. You do not have to keep it rigid, but comfortably straight to eliminate this unwanted variable. Next cause could be allowing your head to move too much during the swing, you need to keep it reasonably steady. Another possibility, your problem may be caused by a swing that tries to sweep the ball up off the ground. I would recommend hitting down at the ball, so that your club first strikes the ball at the equator and then takes a divot. Notice on TV how the pros take a divot on every fairway shot. By hitting down, the ball spins up the clubface, even when you strike it at the equator. If you do not hit down, and you strike it at the equator, the result is a grounder or low line drive. This means by hitting down you improve your margin for error. Even if you think you are risking hitting more thin shots (and you might not), this is better if you have eliminated fat shots, because fat shots usually do not travel as far as thin shots. Everyone hits occasional bad shots, but there is an old saying that improvement begins with better bad shots, so thin shots would be an improvement over fat shots.