Saturday, January 14, 2006

Joe, how do you draw the ball, how do you address the ball, and how important is it to keep your eye on the ball?

Answer: To draw a ball, take pencil and paper, make a circle and fill it with dimples. To properly address the ball, say “Hello, ball”. It is apparently not important to keep your eye on the ball because the USGA has a machine that has no eyes at all, but it still can hit the ball 300 yards every time.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

At the top of the back-swing, how I can I tell or feel that I have fully cocked my right wrist (I am a leftie)? I try to keep my left hand very passive as I take the club to the top of the back-swing but I am never quite sure that I have fully cocked the right wrist.
Roger Dukhan
Toronto, Ontario Canada

Hello Roger,
It is easy to assume that a fully cocked wrist translates into maximum power, but there comes a point where your ball striking might suffer if you cock your wrist too much. Everyone would like to have a picture perfect swing but we are not all built the same. Some people find it easy to get the club shaft parallel to the ground at the top of the backswing, while others, like me, prefer the shorter backswing in the interest of better ball striking. So to answer your question, you can cock your wrist as much as you want as long as your ball striking does not suffer. Some great golfers go past parallel at the top, like Phil Mickelson, John Daly, Bobby Jones, and many more. Have someone take a video of your swing and see your wrist positions with differing amounts of wrist cock. Also check your distance at the range with differing amounts of wrist cock, you might be surprised to find you are losing distance with too much wrist cock because it sometimes causes “casting” or hitting from the top.