Saturday, February 16, 2008

Since golf offers many pleasures, which is your favorite sight, a ball hanging on the lip of the cup and then falling in, or a flop shot over a bunker that trickles down next to the pin, or a low rising drive that splits the center of a narrow tree-lined fairway?

Answer: All those are nice, but my favorite sight which gives me the most pleasure is my opponent throwing a club. The full backswing, the delayed wrist action, the flowing follow-through, followed by that unique whirring sound, reminiscent of a passing flock of birds, this is a real thing of beauty.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

My friends tell me my biggest problem is that I overswing, but I feel natural on my backswing, so this is hard for me to correct. What should I do?

Hello Chris,
Habits can be hard to break, so let’s try a different approach. Next time you are on one of those driving range mats with the permanent rubber tee, go to the top of your backswing and pose like a baseball player waiting for a pitch. If your backswing is too long, you will not feel that you are in a strong hitting position. Adjust your posture as a baseball player would until you feel in a strong position to begin your swing from the top. Make sure your weight is on your back foot. From this position, see if you can strike the rubber tee every time. If you cannot, then adjust your posture at the top, for example, you might find that you can strike the rubber tee every time if your backswing is shorter and your tempo is not too quick. If you can view yourself in a mirror it will help. Good luck.