Thursday, February 16, 2006

I am reading in magazines about the “X-factor” where the shoulders are supposed to turn much more than the hips to get extra power. If that is true, why do some instructions say to get a good hip turn, is that not contrary to the X-factor which says to limit the hip turn? Who is correct?

Hello Tom,
This is one of many areas where people debate which is better, and some of it depends on your body build and your degree of athleticism. Here is my opinion. The X-factor can create some whipping action only if the downswing move is executed properly with the lower body going first. However, rather than limiting the hip turn, I feel you should allow the hips to turn naturally and compare results. I also feel that you can generate even more whipping action with a bigger hip turn as long as your timing on the downswing is correct, again with the lower body going first, as evidenced by the swings of Bobby Jones and John Daly, and how about J.B Holmes who was outdriving everyone in Phoenix recently with a short backswing and big hip turn? Am I mistaken, or did that look a lot like Sensei Mark in the Body Golf videos? This is a good experiment for the practice range, just try varying amounts of hip action and see what works best for you.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Question - how did Golf get it’s name?

Answer: All the other four letter words were already taken. Actually, I read somewhere that the word was an acronym for Gentlemen Only, Ladies Forbidden. If that is true, what would the game be called if Ladies had invented it? Maybe “WOMAN” for Women Only, Men Are Nothing, or “GIRL” for Game I Really Love. The answer I like best, however, I saw on a T shirt in the gift shop at Marytown in Mundelein, IL, it said Golf Offers Love & Forgiveness.