Friday, March 17, 2006

Joe - I heard they are going to reduce the distance of all golf balls. What is your opinion about this?

I heard the Ohio Golf Association (OGA) is going to have a tournament where everyone has to play balls that are issued to them. I never really understood that there are balls that only benefit long hitters, so that makes if sound unfair that shorter hitters cannot gain a similar benefit. If that is the case, that is not a level playing field. I hear the OGA is also allowing the repair of spike marks. Think about it, it is absurd to allow the repair of ball marks but not spike marks. At last, there are officials out there who are capable of rational thought. That kind of restores my faith in the human race. Maybe the OGA can continue to have progressive ideas, like with today's emphasis on pace of play, abolish the stroke and distance penalty, which could get you thrown off the course by marshals enforcing the pace clock, or by other players who must wait while you march back to hit another ball from the original spot. Don't stop now, OGA, lead the way, there are dozens of other rules that could use improvement.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Question for the Evil Twin:
Jody, what do you think about when you swing?

Answer: I like to keep it simple. For example, in the space of two seconds, this is all I bother to think about. Stance squared, knees flexed, spine straight, grip, elbows in, take the club back with straight left arm, break the wrist when the club is knee high, maintain proper ratio of shoulder turn to hip turn, weight 60% on back foot, maintain knee flex, hands up not too high not too low, shaft points parallel to ground at target at top of backswing, pull down with left arm, shift weight to front foot, back elbow to hip, swing path inside out, maintain wrist angle until just before impact, hit down, fold the front elbow in, extend the follow thru outward, point the belly button at the target, right foot up on the toe, and pose like a statue. And that is just my practice swing, my real swing is a little more complex, but basically that’s all there is to it. (note from Joe – and then of course he hits a 20 yard grounder)