Sunday, August 12, 2007

A Bit of Golf Trivia:
Every year, the USGA provides its members with an 18 question quiz, which is an open book quiz with no time limit, so anyone can take their time and look up the answers. In the years 2005 and 2006, there were about 2500 people who provided answers for this quiz. Can you guess within 500, how many people got all the answers correct?

In 2005 only 21 people got all the answers correct. In 2006, only 6 got all the answers correct. In 2007, although the year is not over yet, over 1200 entries were submitted, and so far NOBODY has gotten all the answers correct.

Jody, my Evil Twin, stop laughing and tell us what you think about that?
Answer: That just goes to show how ridiculous some of the rules are. Come on people, wake up and smell the coffee. Some of the rules are outdated and unnecessary. This is the enlightened 21st century. The concept of continuous improvement dictates that we should fight to amend the rules so people can understand them. The game should not be so complicated. All you are doing is hitting a ball into a hole. Is there any other sport where such a low percentage of people would pass a rules test? NO, so use a little logic and figure out which are reasonable rules and which others are illogical because they have nothing to do with the skill of the contest, and fight to get those fixed. If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem. And that is the name of that tune.