Saturday, January 21, 2006

And, as per most of your readers, I also have a question, that has been bothering me for quite a while.... Most surely, you have heard of the golf club known as a "Chipper"... reportedly to be used to "chip" (equipped with a slight loft ) from the frog hairs of the greens, or a slightly longer distance, toward the cup placement. This smaller club also has a wide, flat bottom and appears to look like a putter.

Hi Snuffy,
Yes I have tried one of those Chippers and I found it is only useful from the “frog hair” but not from deeper grass where a lofted iron will work better. Also, if you choose to use one, which other club will you take out of your bag to stay within the 14 club limit? Most golfers can chip just as well with an iron, and since you can also hit full shots with an iron but not with a Chipper, I see very little advantage in using a Chipper. If you really want to try one, you may be able to find it on ebay or a second hand golf shop. If you do find one, have a contest to see if the Chipper works any better than one of your irons. I predict it may work better from the fringe, but not from the deeper grass beyond the fringe. I also predict the Chipper will do no better than a putter from the fringe.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The first move in starting the downward swing has always been a mystery to me! Can you help?

Hello Rherrl,
Watch the slow motion replays of the pros on TV and you will see the first downswing move is the lower body going forward just before the backswing is completed. This creates a whipping action, maximizing clubhead speed.