Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Here's one for ya. In my quest to become a better golfer I am making
progress in most areas except getting a divot in front of my iron shots. It
seems no matter what I try as far as putting the ball back in my stance I
Chunk it! And the further back I put it leads to a reverse pivot and I know
thats not right. I can do it for short chips but when I try it for long
swings I am like the Chocolate(Chunky)! Am I forever just going to be
satisfied with being a sweeper of the ball? Rich K

Hello Rich,
You are focusing too much on ball position. I would recommend a more aggressive weight shift onto your front foot to start your downswing. The Body Golf tapes have drills for this like the toe drag and the step thru. Another thing that "sweepers" do is called the "chicken wing" where the front elbow bends outward right after impact, preventing the downward blow that you need to take a divot. If the chicken wing is your problem, keep your elbows together as you follow thru in an extended outward direction. If you can do this, you should have no trouble hitting down and taking a divot, even with a ball position that is more forward.