Wednesday, September 01, 2004

what is the most satisfying thing about golf?
Answer: I agree with Henry Longhurst. The most exquisitely satisfying act in the world of golf is that of throwing a club. The full backswing, the delayed wrist action, the flowing follow-through, followed by that unique whirring sound, reminiscent of a passing flock of birds, this is without parallel in sport.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

) Joe,
About 6 weeks ago I was playing well before we went on vacation, in fact I was on the verge of breaking 80 at our home course and played well while on vacation, but as soon as we got back from vacation it was like I left my swing on the plane to go somewhere else? For some reason I have started hitting everything with my shoulders instead of with my arms and hands. I know by bringing my shoulders through first it leads to a direct pull or a serious slice, and I notice now that since I'm not swinging through I'm also hitting off my back foot. I know what I'm doing, but I can't stop swinging with my shoulders, can you help?Chad

Hello Chad,
Everyone has their own favorite swing thoughts, but sometimes they get in the way. In your case, I see no reason why your shoulders, arms, and hands cannot work together rather than separately. Do the double clubber drill as shown in the Body Golf videos, and you will feel a flowing motion starting from the lower body followed by the shoulders, arms, and then the hands. Delay the wrist break as long as possible. Make sure you start the downswing with the lower body, that way you are less likely to hit off the back foot.