Wednesday, February 18, 2004

At age 70 I have read and been told to shorten my backswing to about 3/4. I tried it with limited success but when I go back to a full swing I hit it farther and straighter. Is the shortened backswing really better for older golfers?

Hi Richard,
There must have been a reason that someone told you to shorten your backswing. If you are hitting it farther and straighter with a longer backswing, and your ball striking is just as good, then you have no reason to shorten it. The same idea may work for one person but may not work for everyone because we are all built differently. Maybe the person who told you this was afraid you might develop back pain if you swing too hard, but if you have no back pain, go ahead and enjoy your extra distance and accuracy. Just because your backswing is longer does not mean you are swinging any harder, so as long as you are not straining, your longer swing should be OK for you.

Monday, February 16, 2004

One of my biggest problems is controlling my swing tempo. My practice swing is picture perfect with a "Controlled " tempo. However when I place a ball in front of me, forget it I'm completely out of control. And if I slow down there is not much improvement. I think too much about this . Help

Hi Jerry,
Sometimes we ingrain a swing thought that gets in the way. Instead of Tempo, I would recommend finding a different swing thought or “key”, and there are many to choose from. Just pick them one at a time because you cannot think of too many things while swinging. How about the word “Control”? And while you are swinging, you can think of exactly what it is that you want to “Control”, for example, Control the downswing inside-out, or Control my weight shift properly, or Control the extension of my follow-thru. Find one that works best for you, and let us all know how it is going.