Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I know we are supposed to keep a positive attitude all the time, but that is hard to do when you get a snowman on the first hole, which ruins the entire round, especially after you have just had a good practice session. That is very deflating and I do not know how to handle it. Help please.

Hi Frosty,
With a name like that you deserve to get a snowman, just kidding. Having a bad first hole is something that will occasionally happen to everyone. The way to handle this is with a mental strategy. Tell yourself you would still rather be on the golf course that be at home doing chores. You still have 17 holes left to go, and you can only play this game one shot at a time, so just look forward, not backward. You cannot change what just happened, but your attitude can affect what happens next. Each shot is a new adventure, you can never be sure if the outcome will be good or bad. Your round is not yet ruined, sometimes your better scores will include one bad hole, so you have just gotten that bad hole out of the way sooner. Enjoy the rest of the round as much as you can. Or would you rather go home and do some chores? Fooey. Feel better now?