Saturday, August 20, 2005

Every time I think I have really grooved my swing, the groove does not seem to last very long. Does this means that groove was not really a good way to swing?

Hello George,Maybe your swing was OK. This typically happens to people who do not follow a regular daily exercise routine. Their muscle tone changes more depending on their daily activities, and as the muscle tone changes, so does your swing without you even realizing it. People who keep their muscles toned with daily exercise are more likely to keep their swings in the groove because daily activities have less effect on changing your overall muscle tone.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Question for the Evil Twin:
Jody, since you and Joe play in Chicago you must have to compensate for a lot of wind, by the way, why is Chicago called the Windy City?

Answer: Because Wisconsin sucks and Indiana blows, and Chicago is caught in between. (note from Joe – apologies to our neighboring states, diplomacy is not Jody’s strong point; the real reason for the Windy City nickname is not due to weather, it is from the east coast politicians calling Chicago’s politicians a bunch of blowhards, that’s true, you could look it up).

Sunday, August 14, 2005

I can usually chip pretty good, but when the grass is high near the green, I have trouble chipping. What can I do about this?

Hello Chad,
This is not an easy shot because the tall grass sometimes grabs your club and your shot comes up short, but if you give it a little extra oomph, sometimes the grass does not grab your club and the shot goes too long. Here are some things to try. First, play the ball farther back in your stance and use a more lofted club. This will force you to strike the ball with a more descending blow which will prevent the high grass from snagging your club. Second, open the face of the club. This will allow the club to slide thru the grass more smoothly without getting snagged. Of course, this will send the ball to the right of your target, so just compensate by aiming left and swing aggressively along your body line.